Electronic equipment of the car

 with Arduino UNO board  +  YFROBOT XBee PM-R3 shield




- An Arduino UNO board or similar

- Half a connection plate (which will be reduced to the dimensions available above the servomotor)

- A YFROBOT XBee PM-R3 Motor Driver “shield” card

Supplier Links: 





 A holder for 2 18650 Li-ion lithium batteries

- Two Li-Ion 18650 rechargeable batteries of 3.7 volts each

- 3 1KΩ resistors, 1 220 Ω resistor, 1 blue LED, white LEDs to place at the front, 2 red diodes to place at the rear

- 1 buzzer which will serve as a horn

- Colored cables, jumpers for the various connections between all these elements 


Remember that the motor (rear wheel propulsion), the servomotor (front steering management) and the general switch were provided in the original kit.

Connecting the rear motor to the YFROBOT board installed on the ARDUINO UNO board pins

There is no change from car #1 regarding the HC-05 Bluetooth module and the small button to start the tests


Detail of the pins and connections of the YFROBOT XBee shield card 

General connection diagram for the arduino car

The new B4R program has been adapted to the new components used but the algorithm is essentially the same as that of the previous program concerning car no. 1.

The essential changes are due to the specificities of the YFROBOT card used, the pins of which are preconnected in an internal circuit.

I modified the names used to simplify the programming and adapt it to the indications given on the card itself. Here are some significant extracts from these changes: 




Excerpts from the B4R code of the program adapted to car no. 2


So IN3, IN4, ENB became DIR1, DIR2, PWMA…

Steering pins:

DIR1 >>> Pin D4

DIR2 >>> Pin D7


Motor speed:

PWMA >>> Pin D5


(Note that if we used a second motor, its speed would be managed by PWMB on pin D6)


Servomotor >>> Pin D3


No changes for the management of lights (Pin D13) and Horn (Pin D2) nor for the test button connected to analog pin A0.

The HC-05 Bluetooth module is always connected to pins D11 and D12.



Download the B4R File             Download the B4A file